your guide to a stress-free college application process

Overview of Services
1:1 Coaching
Students will work one-on-one with Lindsay throughout the entire process. They will receive advice on topics ranging from high school course selection to developing a well balanced college list and essay brainstorming.
Professional Editing
Having read thousands of essays throughout her career, Lindsay has extensive experience helping students with their essays. Lindsay will help students brainstorm, outline and edit all essays and ensure that every essay is unique and exceptional.
Development of soft skills
Students will practice self-advocacy skills, interviewing techniques, and develop a stronger sense of purpose. Each will leave this process with more confidence and self-awareness.
work with a true expert
Lindsay Buntman Kafitz
There is no one out there with more direct and relevant experience
undergraduate admissions experience
Former Assistant Director of Admissions at Northwestern University
Former Assistant Director of Admissions at NYU
Former Assistant Director of Admissions at Bucknell University
18 years of direct counseling experience
Former Director of College Counseling and Student Support at the British International School of Chicago, South Loop
Former Director of College Counseling at Daniel Murphy Scholarship Fund
Former Associate Director of College Counseling at Lake Forest Academy
parents of emi (northwestern) and Quinn (Haverford College)
Lindsay used an individualized approach for our two daughters, who have different interests and ambitions. She took the time to understand them and their goals and successfully helped them to get accepted into schools and programs that are a good fit for them.
Working with Lindsay throughout the application process helped our daughters to think about what they wanted from college, imagine possibilities, and find programs that facilitate their personal desires. We found the process to be stress-free with her guidance, as she brings broad expertise and current knowledge to a very organized and methodic process. It is clear that both daughters ended up in a better place with her help than they would have with our help alone. We are so grateful to her. We highly recommend her services.
Wes (Stanford University)
It goes without saying that the college admissions process is a daunting process for individuals such as myself. I hail from a 1st generation low income home, with two immigrant parents, backed by a community that expected my success to be inevitable.
Lindsay, swooped in to ease our minds and provide the scaffolding needed to get me from high school to Stanford University. The summation of processes for an internationally recruited collegiate athlete are cumbersome and demand a great deal of attention to detail. Lindsay worked tirelessly alongside my parents, coach, and admissions offices to ensure I was checking all of the right boxes, filing the right immigration forms, following up with the right points of contact, and keeping track of all the nitty gritty details. All of our 1 on 1s were filled with energy and excitement, yet we remained on task which made me believe that “she had my back” through every step. One of my fondest memories will forever be walking into Lindsay’s office, sheepishly, with my college admissions essay in hand. She sat down, read my essay, and began crying with a smile on her face. She showered me with words of encouragement that to this day keep me trudging forward.
All of this to say, “Thank you for spurring me forward, you have a special place in my heart.”
Anna (Denison University)
Working with Lindsay not only made the application process smooth, but the experience also turned me into a more confident and competent writer and thinker.
Before we began any of the nitty gritty, Lindsay made sure to get to know me. It was because of this connection that she was able to help me highlight my best attributes within my essays. I had so much success in the process, and I found the perfect school for me.
I wouldn’t even have heard of Denison if not for Lindsay, and I am forever grateful for her guidance, support, and cheerleading.
Parents of Jacob (Harvey Mudd College), Ava (UT Austin), and Lyla (University of Washington Honors))
We have been fortunate to have Lindsay guide our three very different children though the college application process.
Lindsay makes an overwhelming process very organized and manageable. She has a bubbly and friendly demeanor making her easy to work with. From our first meeting, Lindsay carefully listened to each of our children to learn about their strengths, personalities, and aspirations. Based on their input, Lindsay provided an array of schools for them to research and explore. She guided their essays to demonstrate to schools what makes them each unique and a good fit for each school.
Not only was Lindsay wonderful to work with, she helped our two college kids achieve their reach school-a 1000 student STEM school and a huge Public school- and is currently working with our third!
We are so thankful to have found Lindsay!
Maya (Lewis & Clark College)
Throughout my entire college process, it was clear Lindsay genuinely cared about me and my success.
Through thought-provoking conversations and writing exercises, she helped me confidently articulate my thoughts and experiences into my application.
She is incredibly organized which helped me feel supported through the whole process.
Lindsay not only helped me get into almost every college I applied to, but she helped me choose the best fit for me and find scholarships to afford it. I thoroughly enjoyed working with Lindsay and am beyond grateful for our lasting connection.
Parent of Henry (University of Oregon)
If it wasn't for Lindsay I'm not sure where Henry would have gone and what he would have justified as his decision, and most especially in the strong encouragement she gave him in considering University of Oregon.
Lindsay has a special brand of tough love, it's refreshing to see counselors with a little old-school attitude around accountability, which she strikes me as having.
With Lindsay, you get what you pay for. For busy and overwhelmed parents, who have been slogging away for years helping their kids stay on a path, she provides a respite that is worth the price to 'set it and forget it' and allow her to take the wheel. I would have lost my mind without her service. It's not just the college's the freedom for parents to step away. Not every parent wants (or is capable:-) of that, but it was right up my alley.
I recommend Lindsay without hesitation.
Parents of Bennett (University of Southern California)
Lindsay established a connection and trusting relationship with my son that allowed him to fully engage in the college preparatory process with her. She created clear and achievable goals with realistic deadlines each step of the way which made the college application work significantly less stressful and more enjoyable for all of us.
In addition, she was always available to provide guidance to all of us throughout the process.
The best part is that, with the help of Lindsay, my son will be attending his dream school this Fall!
David (Princeton University)
I would not have been able to get through all of my college applications without Lindsay, and it was her advice and hard work that's made it possible for me to go to Princeton. Not only that, the conversations we had and the exercises she had me do while drafting essays pushed me to think about myself in new ways. In short, I'm super grateful that Lindsay guided me in the admissions process, and really admire the energy she had whenever we met.